the making of erin gray and giving back

erin gray is proud to announce that after only 2 years in business, she and her team have given back thousands of dollars to cancer organizations, individuals and families in need.
We want to thank our beautiful friends, partners and customers who support us every day. YOU have helped make a difference in the lives of others. THANK YOU!
The history of erin gray:
erin gray (morton) studied fashion, design and marketing in college. After college, her work led her into the exciting world of sports, entertainment, television and product marketing. After over fifteen years in the corporate arena, she decided it was time for a creative change but was not sure how to turn her creative talent into a business. It was around that time that tragedy struck her family. Her mother and step mother-in-law were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer within a year of each other and the pain inspired her to forge ahead, make positive changes in her own life and make a difference in other people’s lives.
“My step mother-in-law -- a beloved and brilliant breast surgeon, friend, and inspiration to many -- lost her battle quickly, in 2015. My mother -- an artist, a giver, and my greatest supporter -- is a two-time survivor but the whole experience changed me. Starting a business was important but giving back and making people feel good about themselves became paramount.”
After hitting the drawing board, she began creating her own designs and researching the fashion industry that she'd always loved.
hello, erin gray design! Business grew quickly - thanks to hard work and perseverance - and every day is a learning process for the mother of two but with the support of friends, family and her customers she is here to stay. Her main goal is to create quality jewelry that embodies her sense of style and gives back to the causes close to her heart.
“We are all in this together. That is what this is about,” she says.
Being able to give back a portion of each sale to cancer research gives erin gray the sense of fulfillment that she had been searching for all along. xo